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Melissa Addey

May 21 @ 2:40 AM BST

Melissa Addey

Giving and Receiving: How a Campaigning Mindset Benefits Authors

Audience: All Levels

Campaigns, at their core, are about connecting with people--understanding an audience, reaching out to them, and creating a dialogue. When indie authors campaign effectively, they are not just shouting into the void about their book; they are engaging with their readers, listening to feedback, and adjusting accordingly. This fosters trust and loyalty and readers who are more likely to support and spread the word about a book and its author. In this session, ALLi's Campaigns Manager Melissa Addey explains how book campaigns, especially unique or innovative ones, create buzz and make authors stand out, leading to increased sales, media coverage, and new opportunities like speaking engagements. And she fills us in on the campaigns that ALLi has been engaged in, on your behalf, this year.

The Marketing Forever Mindset

Audience: All Levels

One of the most interesting pieces of data to come from the Big Indie Author Data Drop was that even when indie authors are very successful, they don't stop doing their own marketing. They use tools and assistance/assistants, but marketing remains their responsibility, always. Many of the emerging indie authors, or those not selling, said that marketing was the task they liked least. There’s an important mindset shift required to bridge the gap from reluctant or resentful marketing to marketing that is positive and proactive.

In this inspiring and mind-shifting session chaired by Melissa Addey, join Dawn Brookes, Mark Dawson, Karen Inglis, Rachel McLean, Alison Morton, Octavia Randolph, Marc Reklau, Brit Bensen, Mark Hayden, and Elizabeth Stevens all multiple bestselling authors who show what makes marketing a positive activity for them. If thinking 'marketing will be with you forever' horrifies you as an author, then you need these sessions!

Melissa Addey

ALLi Campaigns Manager

After an initial fifteen years in business developing new products and mentoring entrepreneurs, Melissa now writes historical fiction set in 18th century China, 11th century Morocco and 1st century Rome. She has a PhD in Creative Writing and was the Leverhulme Trust Writer in Residence at the British Library, where she still runs writing workshops. She’s now working with ALLi as their Campaigns Manager, to share ALLi’s best practice in self-publishing to a wider range of writing organisations and open up doors for indie authors.


May 21, 2024
2:40 AM BST
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