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October 2020 Self-Publishing Advice Conference Is Live

October 2020 Self-Publishing Advice Conference is Live

Kayleigh BrindleyOctober 2020's Self-Publishing Advice Conference is live!  Our theme is Tools and Tech for Indie Authors. Scroll down to pick a session that interests you and jump right in. Or stop by here to read:

  • How to join in and watch the conference (for free), avail of the great giveaways, and be part of the buzz on Twitter
  • How to access the agenda, speaker and sponsor pages
  • How to get lifetime access to the conference after the three-day free period (and all past SelfPubCons too)
  • How to become an affiliate

How Do I Access SelfPubCon Oct 2020: Tools & Tech for Indie Authors?

For three days, the conference is accessible to everyone on the conference session feed page, which you can find here.

If you've registered, you don't need any log-ins or anything to view, just jump in. On the 17th of October, at 10 am BST (GMT+1) , head over and enjoy. We'll be releasing posts on the hour, every hour, and the feed will update with a new session.

That 10am is  UK BST (British Standard Time, GMT+1). You can find the correct time for your part of the world by using the World Clock. 

  • The Agenda is here. That's where you see the line up across the 24 hours.

But no, we don't expect you to stay up all night! The sessions remain freely available and open to all for 48 hours after the conference closes.

That's three days in all for you to enjoy everything completely free.

  • The Session Feed Page is where you see the presentations unfold
    • One session per hour, on the hour—so that no matter where you are in the world you can enjoy the new content, competitions and tweeting live at your time.
    • Pick and choose from the agenda to see the sessions you’re most interested in: you can find the agenda here).
    • Click the title of the session that interests you from the agenda or session feed. That will take you to the presentation page.
    • On the presentation page, you can read all about the session and speaker and hit play to watch the session, once it’s live.
    • There you can also enter for a giveaway if that speaker has provided one.

Why Should I Check Out the Sponsors?

As well as being the wonderful people that allow this conference to happen free of charge to all indie authors, twice a year, many of our sponsors offer very cool discounts, deals and giveaways to conference attendees. Check out the sponsor pages here.

How Do I Access After Conference Closes?

The conference is free and open to all for three days. Once the free period is over, an access pass is needed. There are two options, a paid six-month pass or a lifetime pass.

ALLi Members

ALLi members receive continuous free six-month passes for the lifetime of their membership.

Please note that the conference website will not recognize your ALLi membership credentials. It is a separate website and you need to register there separately. (For ease, you may wish to keep your login details the same across both the member and conference website).

If you are not already registered on the SelfPubCon site, register here.

Once through registration, you'll be asked for payment and that's when you need your ALLi discount code, which you'll find in the ALLi member zone.

To find your ALLi discount code:

  1. Visit the ALLi membership site and log in with your ALLi email adddress and password
  2. Navigate to the ADVICE tab in the menu and then to Conference in the drop-down
  3. Locate the code in the lilac-colored box.
  4. Return to the SelfPubCon website here:
  5. Enter the coupon code you got from the ALLi member zone and click apply to get your SelfPubCon access completely free. A message will be displayed, showing that the discount has been applied, and the PayPal button will change to a Submit Form button.
  6. Enter your details (first name, last name, email, and a username) and click the submit form button. You will receive two emails: one with a link for you to create a password, one with a link to access the conference presentations.
  7. You then reach your Account page. You now have access. You’ll see a giant orange button saying: VIEW PREVIOUS CONFERENCES. Please click that. It will take you the conference library page.

How to Become an Affiliate

SelfPubCon offers a 50% affiliate program. Tell somebody about the conference and you receive 50% of any payment they make, using your link.

To become an affiliate you need to register on the SelfPubCon website (separately from your three-day free registration and ALLi member registration).

  1. Register, log into the site here:
  2. Click Affiliates on the header menu.
  3. To get your affiliate code, go to the Affiliate header and click the Affiliate Instructions tab.
  4. On the instructions page,  click the yellow /Affiliate Links/ link in the box (4th link from right). Or click here. There you'll find your generic affiliate link and affiliate ID.
    1. If you'd like to take your followers to a particular page on the SelfPubCon site--such as the access pass page as recommended in the swipe copy we provide--you can use a “generate referral URL” to generate a text link for a particular page.
    2. You'll also find codes for a SelfPubCon logo image and image of our past speakers.
    3. You'll also find an overview of your account, details of your sales and payments (searchable by date) and other aspects of your account.

Over to You

If you have any questions feel free to email me.

We are looking forward to seeing you on Saturday here on the website and also on our Twitter Account: @IndieAuthorALLi

Till then,

Happy writing and publishing!



How to Join the Self-Publishing Advice Conference #indieauthor #selfpublishing #indieauthors #SelfPubCon Share on X


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