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Self-Publishing Advice Conference 2024

Self-Publishing Advice Conference icon

19th & 20th October 2024

Theme: Publishing for Profit

24-hours starting at 9am (CT), 10am (ET), 3pm (UK)

Alliance of Independent AuthorsIn Association with the Alliance of Independent Authors


24 sessions over 24 hours


Upcoming Speakers at the 2024 Publishing for Profit #SelfPubCon24 - TBC!

Orna Ross

Orna Ross

Making Money, Making Meaning: StorySelling for Authors Audience: All Levels…

More Information


The Self-Publishing Advice Conference (#SelfPubCon) is an online author conference.

It runs free of charge, once a year, in association with the Alliance of Independent Authors and attracts the cream of self-publishing experts and advisors as speakers and sponsors.

#SelfPubCon offers 24 sessions over 24 hours of excellent self-publishing webinars and presentations, so you can watch the conference unfold live, from wherever you are in the world. Presentations, interviews, panel sessions, debates and more.

Enter the great competitions and giveaways. 

Join us.


How to break through any obstacles holding you back from finishing, releasing or selling your books.

  • Publishing options for authors and what's right for you right now
  • Techniques to sell more books and reach more readers
  • New publishing platforms, formats, tech and tools
  • Selective rights licencing to TV, film, foreign translations and other rights buyers
  • How to save time and money with better business models
  • Ways to optimize what you are doing already

…and so much more.  Sign up to receive information about free days and upcoming conferences here. Purchase a paid All-Access Pass here.

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Get Up-to-the-minute Strategies from Indie Authors and Creative Entrepreneurs Who Live Self-Publishing

Speakers are carefully selected by the Alliance of Independent Authors. They're all successful indie authors or publishing entrepreneurs who've honed their expertise over years. Following their advice can save you a great deal of trial and error, time and money.


Learn from Excellent Presentations and Interviews

Every presenter brings a great deal of value, investing their time and expertise into detailed video or audio presentations, packed full of knowledge, insight, information and inspiration.


Meet Like-Minded Indie Authors & Entrepreneurs

#SelfPubCon uses ALLI's Twitter and Facebook accounts so you can make new online author friends who are just like you…passionate about writing, about making great books and making a positive impact with as many readers as possible.

Ask questions. Interact with the ALLi team, the speakers and sponsors,  and the thousands of other authors who'll be in attendance.


Free Access For 3 Days or Purchase an All-Access Pass

Going to seminars and conferences to learn from such successful authors and entrepreneurs would collectively cost thousands of dollars... not to mention travel and hotel costs. #SelfPubCon brings the expertise to you, allowing you to learn, network, and interact with the conference speakers and organizers from the comfort of your home.

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